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Serving Our Community

WE CARE: Living Our Faith Through Service

At SCRC, we are committed to being the hands and feet of Christ by actively serving our island community. From providing nourishment to those in need to caring for God's creation, our congregation embraces opportunities to live out our faith.


Join our stewardship of God's creation! Our Earth Care program engages in regular beach clean-ups, promotes recycling, and participates in reef restoration. Protecting our pristine island environment is a priority. Church members & friends  gather routinely to comb our beautiful beaches, removing litter and debris to ensure these natural treasures remain unspoiled. Together, we're preserving the beauty of St. Croix for future generations.


Show Christ's love to our seniors! Volunteer at Herbert Grigg Home, where we provide companionship, assistance, and joy to our elderly neighbors. Your time and compassion can make a world of difference.


Feed the hungry in our community! Through food collection drives and service at My Brother's Table, we're living out Jesus' call to care for those in need. Our dedicated volunteers regularly serve hot meals to the hungry at the My Brother's Table soup kitchen downtown Frederiksted. This act of compassion not only feeds the body but nourishes the soul through simple human kindness. Help us share God's abundance with our island family.


Support our neighbors battling cancer. We partner with local VI cancer services to offer practical help, emotional support, and prayer to those affected by this disease. Your involvement can bring hope and comfort.


Spread the Gospel near and far! Our Cross Culture program supports missionaries and organizes short-term mission teams. Experience the joy of sharing God's love across cultural boundaries.


Be God's hands in times of crisis. Our Hand to Hand program provides emergency funding for short-term needs in our community. Help us offer immediate relief and show Christ's love in practical ways.


Each year, our church family joyfully participates in Operation Christmas Child. We prayerfully pack shoe boxes with small gifts, notes of encouragement, and the story of God's Greatest Gift - sharing the love of Jesus with underprivileged children around the world.

We invite you to join us in service, using your unique talents to uplift our community in tangible ways. When we extend our hands to others, we open our hearts more fully to the grace of our Lord.

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