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Sowing the Seeds of Generosity


As an island community nourished by God's boundless gifts, we embrace the opportunity to give generously in support of His work. Your financial contributions allow the seeds of the Gospel to take root and flourish among us.


Whether through the weekly offering basket passed along the breezy rows of our seaside sanctuary, or by secure online giving, your gifts help cultivate fertile soil for spiritual growth. Funds are carefully tended to enable:


Ministry Outreach Sharing the good news through service projects, youth programs, Bible studies, and community events that demonstrate Christ's love in action.


Worship & Discipleship Nurturing our church family through powerful biblically-based preaching, inspiring music, heartfelt prayer, and resources for all ages to grow in faith.


Missions Near & Far
Sowing seeds of hope globally through missionaries, humanitarian aid, education initiatives, clean water projects, and more.


As stewards of all that God had entrusted us with, we give not out of obligation but with cheerful, abundant hearts. All gifts, tithes, and offerings are profoundly appreciated and are tax deductible.


We pray you experience the incomparable joy that comes from generously sharing your treasures to glorify our Lord in this beautiful paradise and beyond.

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